Don't underestimate the power of "I am": I am an amazing, wonderful masterpiece!
You are where you are today partly because of what you've been saying about yourself.
Words are like seeds. When you speak something out, you give life to what you're saying.
Manaah was a beautiful young lady, who seemed to have everything going for her. She was smart, attractive, and came from a loving family. As we visited her home for dinner, we saw that she was friendly and had a pleasant personality.
I thought, that if anybody would be happy, it would be her; but I realized that it was just the opposite of what I have thought.
Manaah began to describe how she wasn’t fulfilled; she was lonely and she perceived her co-workers as more talented. She made statements such as, “I’m unattractive, I’m unlucky, I’m a slow learner and I’m always tired.”
After five minutes of listening to Manaah, I knew exactly what was holding her back. Her “I Am’s”.
What follows those simple words will determine what kind of life you live.
“I am blessed, I’m strong, I’m healthy or I’m slow, I’m unattractive and I’m lousy.” Words that are coming out of your mouth will bring either success or failure. All through the day, the power of “I Am” is at work.
We make a mistake and out of our mouths tumbles, “I’m so clumsy”. We look in the mirror, shake our heads and say, “I am so old”. We see somebody who we think is more talented and whisper under our breath, “I am so average.” We get caught in traffic and grump, “I am so unlucky”.
We often wield the power of “I am” against ourselves and don’t realize how it’s affecting our future.
Here’s the principle: whatever follows the “I Am’s” will eventually find you.
When you say, “I am so clumsy”, clumsiness comes looking for you.
When you say, “I’m so old”, wrinkles come looking for you.
When you say, “I’m so overweight”, calories come looking for you.
It’s as though, you’re inviting them. Whatever you follow the “I am” with, you’re handing it an invitation, opening the door, and permitting it to be in your life. The good news is, you get to choose what follows the “I am”.
When you go through the day, saying, “I am blessed,” blessings come looking for you. “I am talented,” talent comes looking for you. You may not feel at par but when you say, “I’m healthy,” health starts heading your way. When you say, “I’m strong,” strength starts tracking you down.
You’re inviting those things into your life, so you have to be careful of what follows the “I am.”
Don’t ever say, “I’m so unlucky”, or “I never get any good breaks”. You’re inviting disappointments. Never say, “I’m so broke” or “I am so in debt”. You are inviting struggle and you’re inviting lack.
You need to send out some new invitations. Get up in the morning and invite good things into your life. Start saying, ”I’m blessed,” “I’m strong,” “I’m talented,” “I’m wise,” “I’m disciplined,” “I’m focused,” and “I am prosperous.” When you do that, health, strength, abundance, and discipline will start heading your way.
In the tough times, be on guard!
It's very tempting to vent your frustration and tell people how bad your day was, how the loan didn't go through, how badly your boss spoke to you, or how certain people didn't treat you right. However, continually talking about the problem will only make you more discouraged and give that problem more life. You are making it bigger! Stop! Turn it around.
Don't talk about the problem; put a watch over your mouth.
What if you were to wake up every morning and say, "I am so happy I have a family", or "I am glad that I have a job and I learn so much every day."
Most of us think nothing is amazing or wonderful about us. “I’m just average, I’m just ordinary,” but the fact is that there is nothing ordinary about you.
You have a fingerprint that nobody else has. There will never be another you. Even if you have an identical twin, somebody who looks exactly like you, you don’t have the same personality, your same goals, or even the same fingerprints.
What you can do no one else can!
You are an original. You are an amazing wonderful masterpiece!
(Inspired by Joel Osteen, Motivational Speaker)